New Photo Of Russia’s Tactical Combat UAV Korsar Sparks Rumors About Its Usage In Syria

A new photo of the Russian tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Korsar has sparked rumors of its combat usage in the Syrian conflict.

Two Korsar tactical UAVs were shown during the trial run of the May 9 military parade in Moscow on April 26. The May 9 (known as Victory Day in Russia) military parade at Red Square will mark the 73th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The Korsar is developed by the Russian research and development company Lutch, part of JSC Vega Radio Engineering Corporation. According to the Russian media: the UCAV has a combat radius of 200 km and a weight of 200 kg. The UAV can conduct both reconnaissance and strike missions.

It can carry various guided and ungided missiles, including Ataka anti-tank guided missiles, as well as multi-purpose rocket-propelled grenades. The Ataka missile can be used against armoured and unarmoured targets as well as buildings and bunkers within the range of up to 6 km.

A photo of one of the showcased UAVs can be seen above. This photo has immidiately sparked rumors that this Korsar (tail number #23) has particiapted in the Russian military operation in Syria. This UAV has 10 red starts. In general, a red start marks 10 combat sorties carried out by aircraft. Thus, this UAV has allegedly conducted at least 100 combat sorties.

According to some media activists, this may explain repeated reports about some strange “missile strikes” on militant targets in the Syrian provinces of Latakia, Aleppo and Idlib. These “mysterious” missile strikes have been often attributed ot unidentified aircraft or even to the Russian Navy (repeated unconfirmed reports about Kalibr missile strikes on various targets).

