Syrian Army deploys Smerch heavy rocket artillery to shell multiple rebel strongholds across north Hama

On the night of the Monday to Tuesday, Syrian Army rocket artillery units shelled multiple rebel strongholds across the northern countryside of Hama province.

Specifically, the bombardment witnessed government forces deploy a number of BM-30 ‘Smerch’ self-propelled rocket launchers. The weapon is considered a ‘heavy’ artillery piece due to the fact it launches a 300-mm rocket with a quarter of a ton warhead.

According to military-affiliated source, Syrian Army rocket artillery struck militant tactical positions, storage sites and bases in and around the towns of Al-Latamenah, Kafr Zita and Zakat.

There are also reports that the government bombardment in Hama was supplemented  Russian airstrikes across other areas of northwest Syria, an update on which will be made as more information becomes available.

