Syrian Army Discovers Arms Made by Western States in Terrorists' Positions in Southern Damascus

The Syrian Army forces continued their mop-up operation in the newly-freed regions of Yalda, Bebeila and Beit Saham in Southern Damascus on Tuesday, discovering a large volume of arms and ammunition in terrorists' positions, including those made in the western countries.

The army units found several large depots of terrorists' weapons and ammunition in Yalda, Bebeila and Beit Saham.

A large number of missiles, RPG rockets, mortar shells, landmines, communication devices and a large volume of chemicals to make bombs were found in the depots.

A number rifles and machineguns made in the western states, industrial equipment to make weapons and ammunition and also tunnel-digging machinery were found in the depots.

The army men also seized medical equipment in the depots that were utilized in the terrorists' field hospitals.

On Monday, the army men resumed operations against the ISIL terrorists trapped in a small area North of Hajar al-Aswad and freed the entire buildings in Hajar al-Aswad after a humanitarian truce ended.

The army's artillery and missile units and aircraft had pounded the remaining positions of ISIL in Hajar al-Aswad and paved way for the army's rapid advance.

Local sources reported that Hajar al-Aswad region came under the full control of the army men.

