Syrian Army uses new tactics to detect the infiltration of ISIL in Deir Ezzur

DAMASCUS: Syrian artillery soldiers used a new tactic during a battle against ISIL terrorists, and Syrian artillery soldiers managed to repel a surprise attack by terrorists on a Syrian artillery unit at night in the Deir al-Zour province. The new tactic of the SAA to combat armed groups with jeeps, armed with heavy-caliber weapons.

This unit had advanced to a large extent until it became distant from other Syrian army units, which was exploited by the gunmen to attack the wing in the darkness.

Members of the SAA special unit, including Russian military advisers, responded to the attackers and were able to stop them by means of the fire curtain formed by the missile explosions.

The battle took about an hour, killing 43 attackers and destroying 6 cars. Two Russian military advisers were killed. Five others were wounded. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, two of the wounded died later in hospital from their wounds.

Military experts said that the battle revealed the skill of Syrian artillery soldiers in the use of the tactic of the fiery curtain, and says the expert Vladislav Shoregin that the casualties of the attackers indicate that the Syrian artillery soldiers and Russian military experts who supervised their training were able to achieve their mission.

