Syrian T-90 tanks stand at Israel's borders

The Syrian army is continuing preparations for a possible battle in the province of Daraa, adjacent to Israel, according to media sources.

A Russian news website reported that the Syrian military leadership is trying to reach an agreement with the armed terrorist groups to get out of some areas of Daraa governorate. A number of "field commanders" agreed on the terms of reconciliation, but most of them refused, in line with pressure from the Free Syrian Army, which threatened to assassinate those who agreed to the terms of reconciliation.

Then the Syrian army began preparing for a possible military operation aimed at expelling terrorists from the province of Daraa. Modern T-90 tanks have been moved to Daraa to head the troops to battle the battle.

The military sources have confirmed to the site "correspondents" that the next battle will include the province of Daraa, as well as the rest of the northern Swaida countryside connected with the countryside of Daraa, where Nasra and associated armed factions.

The sources pointed out that all units of the Syrian army will be involved in this campaign, led by the striking force in the Syrian army and specialized in the operations of spam.

