Terrorists Use Turkish Military Presence to Launch Attacks on Syrian Army

The terrorists groups in Northern Syria have been using the Turkish military’s presence in Aleppo, Idlib, Lattakia and Hama provinces to launch attacks on the Syrian Army troops and their allies, a source in Aleppo said.

The source told massdar news that the terrorists have repeatedly launched attacks on the Syrian Army’s positions in the Aleppo, Lattakia, Idlib and Hama governorates, prompting the latter to respond with force.

However, the Syrian Army is in a bind – while they often respond to attacks from the rebels, they are limited to shelling and missile strikes in order to avoid escalating the situation with the Turkish military.

Making things worse, the Turkish military has been moving into areas and establishing ‘observation’ points, without approval from their Russian and Iranian counterparts.

In particular, the Turkish military recently established an observation point in the Jabal Al-Akrad region of Northern Lattakia.

Since the Turkish military’s arrival in Northern Lattakia, the terrorist groups have been launching heavy attacks against the Syrian Army.

In a matter of a week, the militant groups have killed over 15 soldiers in the Northern countryside of Lattakia, which is the highest death toll for the government forces in nearly two years.

The Russian and Iranian forces are expected to setup observation posts in the coming weeks.

Source: http://en.farsnews.com/
