The Telegraph: Secret deals between SDF and ISIL to exchange detainees

The Telegraph revealed secret deals between the "Syrian Democratic Forces" and the terrorist organization "Da'ash" to exchange detainees.

According to the newspaper, there were three deals for the exchange of militants and their families between the "Syrian Democratic Forces" supported by the United States-led coalition, and the organization "Daash", which resulted in the release of a number of European motives.

The first deal was made in February, involving about 200 Chechen and Arab militants, as well as a number of French and at least one German, the newspaper said, quoting well-informed sources and al-Dawash residents detained by Qusd. They were sent by bus from the Qusd detention camp to areas still under the control of Da'ash in Deir al-Zour.

In April, 15 women and 40 women and children, including Moroccans, French, Belgians and Dutch, were released. They were sent to the lands under the control of "Daash" against their will. On the other hand, Da'ash released a similar number of Qusd fighters who were captured during the fighting in Deir al-Zour.

The latest deal included 15 wives of the militants "Daqash" occurred June 6 near the city of hybrid in Deir al-Zor without intermediaries.

The newspaper said that the "Syrian Democratic Forces" did not comment on this information, and that the international coalition was not aware of these deals.

According to the Telegraph, four out of 15 mediators were killed in the wake of the deals, prompting others to refrain from participating in any subsequent negotiations to exchange detainees, despite enormous sums of money.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are still holding large numbers of "Da'ash" militants, including a number of dangerous extremists from Europe, whom European countries, especially Britain, refuse to receive for trial. The newspaper pointed out that there are serious fears of the possibility of returning to Europe after their release.

